Medieval Timeline - Browse by Century

The Sixth Century (40 entries)

Qi Dynasty Ends
Date: 501 A.D.
The southern dynasty of Qi ends in China.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


Founding of the Liang Dynasty
Date: 502 A.D.
The Ch'i dynasty of Southern China, below the Yangtze river, is succeeded by the Liang dynasty.
Date added: 12.10.04
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Death of Clovis I
Date: November 27th, 511 A.D.
Clovis I, Merovingian founder of the Frankish kingdom, dies (approximately aged 45).
Date added: 04.01.07
Region: Northern Europe, Western Europe, France
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Battle of Mount Badon
Date: 518 A.D.
This victory of the British over the Saxons halted Saxon advances for about fifty years. Mount Badon is believed to be near Wimborne in Dorcetshire.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Military, Society, Politics
Source information: Roberts, Clayton and Roberts, David, 3rd ed. A History of England. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1998. 38.


Founding of the Kingdom of Wessex
Date: 519 A.D.
Date added: 11.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter
Source information: Savage, Anne, trans. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles. Goalming, Surrey: CLB International, 1984. 35.


Acacian Schism Ends
Date: March 27th, 519 A.D.
A papal embassy arrives in Constantinople on March 25, 519, and is greeted by the future emperor, Justinian. Two days later in St. Sophia, Patriarch John proclaims that the churches in the West and in the East are one and then reads a statement condemning a list of heretics, including the previous patriarch Acacius. The breach between Rome and Constantinople caused by the Acacian Schism is healed.
Date added: 09.01.05
Region: Byzantine Empire, Western Europe
Category: Religion
Contributor(s): Natalie Kohout
Source information: Norwich, John Julius. A Short History of Byzantium. New York: Vintage Books, 1997. 60-61.


Saxon Expansion in England
Date: c. 527 A.D.
The Saxon kingdoms of Essex and Middlesex are established circa 527. The capital of Essex is thought to have been based at the old Roman city of London.
Date added: 11.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics, Society, Military
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Six Garrisons Army Defeated
Date: 528 A.D.
The invading mutinous Six Garrisons army of a million were defeated by 7000 calvary led by Erhchu chieftain Jung.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Military, Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


Founding of Mount Cassino and the Bendictine Order
Date: 529 A.D.
Benedict of Nursia founds the Benedictine monastic order at Monte Cassino, south of Rome.
Date added: 11.30.04
Region: Western Europe, Southern Europe, Italy
Category: Religion
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Chen Qingzhi Briefly Captures Luoyang
Date: 529 A.D.
Liang emperor Wudi sends Chen Qingzhi northward with 7000 men and briefly captures Luoyang.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Military
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


Corpus Luris Civilis: The Code of Civil Law
Date: April 8th, 529 A.D.
A man named Tribonian headed a group of men who compiled and edited all of the documents that made up the Roman system of government. Tribonian's codification of Roman law under the Emperor Justinian removed any repetitions, contradictions, and made sure nothing was incompatible with Christian teaching. These legal compilations can be broken down into three elements: Codex, the supreme authority in the courts, Pandects, writings of the ancient Roman jurists, and the Institutes, a handbook of extracts from the other two designed for use in the Imperial Law schools. This became the basis for what many other European countries would base their practice of both canon and civil law.
Date added: 07.25.05
Region: Byzantine Empire, Southeastern Europe
Category: Law and Legislation
Contributor(s): Natalie Kohout


Conquest of the Isle of Wight
Date: 530 A.D.
Cerdic, the Saxon King of Wessex leads a successful invasion acoss the Solent to conquer the Isle of Wight.
Date added: 11.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Military
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


The Northern Wei Dynasty Ends
Date: 533 A.D.
The northern dynasty of Northern Wei ends in China.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


Cerdic Dies
Date: 534 A.D.
Cerdic, the Saxon king of Wessex dies.
Date added: 11.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


The Eastern Wei Dynasty Begins
Date: 534 A.D.
The northern dynasty of Eastern Wei begins in China.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


War Begins Between Northern Wei Successors
Date: 534 A.D.
A war in the north of China begins between the successors of the Northern Wei dynasty.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics, Military
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


The Western Wei Dynasty Begins
Date: 535 A.D.
The northern dynasty of Western Wei begins in China.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


Eastern Wei Attack Western Wei
Date: 537 A.D.
The Eastern Wei attack the Western Wei via Tong Pass but were unsuccessful. Yuwen Tai repulsed the attack.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Military, Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


Founding of Northumbria
Date: 547 A.D.
According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle the year 547 marks the commencement of the reign of King Ida, the founder of the dynasty of Northumbrian Kings. He established his center of power at Bamburgh, which he fortified with a wall. He seems to have ruled over all of what would become Northumbria (probably 7th century Danish name in origin) until his death in 560.

Ida's son Aeile succeeded him, but is thought to have controlled only the region of Deira (roughly modern day Yorkshire).

The title of 'king', when referring to Anglo-Saxon chieftains, should not be taken too literally. Usually they were elected for life from among the warlords with the best claim to lead the regional community. Often the kings would rule over no more than a few hundred households.
Date added: 11.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


The Eastern Wei Dynasty Ends
Date: 549 A.D.
The northern dynasty of Eastern Wei ends.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


St. David's Mission to Wales
Date: c. 550 A.D.
David (or Dewl) was the son of Sant, the ruler of Ceredigion. David was educated at Llanilltud Fawr. He established many monasteries and emerged as the leader of the Christian church in Wales at the Synod of Brevi held at Llanddewi Breli circa 550.

Today, he is recognized as the patron saint of Wales.
Date added: 12.05.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Religion, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Foundation of Mercia
Date: c. 550 A.D.
A kingdom established by the Angles (circa 550) who had begun to settle in the Trent valley in central England. The name derives from the Old English merce, meaning ''boundary people', for they were situated between the Anglo-Saxon settlements to the east and south and the Romano-British inhabitants who had been driven westward by the Barbarian invasions.

The leader of the first Angle settlement is thought to have been Icel, the founder of the Mercian dynasty, although the first recorded King was Cearl.
Date added: 12.05.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Founding of East Anglia
Date: c. 550 A.D.
The foundation of an East Saxon Kingdom in the area of modern-day Norfolk, Suffolk and part of Cambridgeshire was circa 550.
Date added: 12.05.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


The Northern Qi Dynasty Begins
Date: 550 A.D.
The northern dynasty of Northern Qi begins.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


The Liang Dynasty Ends
Date: 556 A.D.
The southern dynasty of Liang ends in China.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


The Chen Dynasty Begins
Date: 557 A.D.
The southern dynasty of Chen begins in China.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


The Western Wei Dynasty Ends
Date: 557 A.D.
The northern dynasty of Western Wei ends in China.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


The Northern Zhou Dynasty Begins
Date: 557 A.D.
The northern dynasty of Northern Zhou begins in China.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


Bangor Abbey Founded
Date: 560 A.D.
The Abbey at Bangor in Ireland is founded.
Date added: 12.05.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, Ireland
Category: Religion
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Foundation of Iona Monastery
Date: 563 A.D.
St Columba founds a monastery on the island of Iona, which lies west of Scotland. It would become the center of the Celtic church and a source of missionary activity into Northern England during the 7th century.
Date added: 12.05.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, Scotland, England
Category: Religion, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


St. Columba Founds Iona
Date: c. 565 A.D.
St. Columba founds a monastery on the island of Iona, which lies off the west coast of Scotland.
Date added: 06.06.05
Region: Western Europe, British Isles
Category: Religion
Source information: Hollister, Warren C., Stacey, Robert C., and Stacey, Robin Chapman. The Making of England to 1399. Eighth edition. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001. 42.


Birth of Mohammad
Date: 570 A.D.
The approximate year that the Prophet Mohammad, founder of the Islamic faith, was born.
Date added: 12.07.04
Region: Middle East
Category: Religion, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Battle of Deorham
Date: 577 A.D.
The West Saxons under Caewlin invade as far as the River Severn and defeat a British force at the Battle of Deorham, north of Bath, extending the territory of Wessex.

Caewlin's victory effectively seperated the Western Britons from those of the southwest and ensured the capture of Gloucester.
Date added: 12.06.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Military
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


The Northern Qi Dynasty Ends
Date: 577 A.D.
The northern dynasty of Northern Qi ends in China.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


War Between Northern Wei Successors Ends
Date: 577 A.D.
The war in the north of China between the successors of the Northern Wei dynasty ends.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Military, Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


Battle of Faddiley
Date: 583 A.D.
This victory by a British force effectively stops the West Saxons from advancing into Wales.
Date added: 12.06.04
Region: British Isles, Wales, England
Category: Military, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


The Chen Dynasty Ends
Date: 588 A.D.
The southern dynasty of Chen ends in China.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


The Northern Zhou Dynasty Ends
Date: 588 A.D.
The northern dynasty of Northern Zhou ends.
Date added: 05.31.06
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Liang Jieming
Source information: Chronology of Chinese History and Culture - 7000 B.C. to A.D. 2004


Augustine Reaches Canterbury
Date: 597 A.D.
Within a year after reaching Canterbury (the capital of the kingdom of Kent), Augustine was able to convert Ethelbert, the Kentish king, to Christianity.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Religion, Society, Politics
Source information: Roberts, Clayton and Roberts, David. A History of England, Third Edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1998. 39.


St. Columba Dies
Date: June 8th, 597 A.D.
The Irish missionary monk St. Columba died in Iona and was buried there. He had worked very successfully toward the conversion of northern Britain.
Date added: 06.06.05
Region: Western Europe, British Isles
Category: Religion
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter
Source information: Hollister, Warren C., Stacey, Robert C., and Stacey, Robin Chapman. The Making of England to 1399. Eighth edition. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001. 42.

