Medieval Timeline - Browse by Century

The Tenth Century (22 entries)

Founding of the Later Liang Dynasty
Date: 907 A.D.
The empire of the Tang dynasty was finally overthrown when the Chinese warlord Zhuwen deposed Aidi, the last of the Tang dynasty emperors. China then fragmented into 11 warring states (known as the age of the Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms (907-960). Of these Zhuwen's 'Later Liang dynasty' would establish control over the Chang Jiang Basin in northern China, which was the richest region of China. In 912 Zhuwen, was murdered by his son Yingwang, who succeeded him.

The Late Liang would itself be overthrown in 923 by the Shatuo Turks from China's border provinces who would establish the Later Tang dynasty.
Date added: 01.31.05
Region: Eastern Asia, China
Category: Politics
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Foundation of Fatamid Dynasty
Date: December 7th, 909 A.D.
Having overthrown the Sunni Aghlabid dynasty of Kairouan in Tunisia, Sa'id ibn-Husayn was proclaimed as Ubaydullah al-Mahdi ('the divinely guided one') in Tunis. Here he would establish the Ismailite (Shiite) caliphate in opposition to the Sunni caliphate of Baghdad.

The Fatimid dynasty established by Al-Mahdi was named after Fatima, the daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Date added: 02.01.05
Region: Northern Africa
Category: Politics, Religion
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Battle of Tettenhall
Date: 910 A.D.
Edward the Elder was able to win victory over the Danes in Northumbria with this battle.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Military, Politics


Foundation of the Cluny Monastery
Date: 910 A.D.
William the Pious, Duke of Aquitaine, founded Cluny in 910 in east-central France. Cluny was a Benedictine monastery devoted to the strictest observance of Saint Benedict's rule. A special emphasis was placed on liturgical purity. Out of this great monastery a reform movement was born which had a substantial impact on Western Christianity. The Cluniacs asserted that no secular ruler could hold authority over the Church; the Pope in Rome was the only ruler over the clergy. Chastity among the clergy was another issue the Cluny reformers sought to tackle. These two important components of Western Christianity, the separation of Church and State and the celibacy of the Catholic clergy, had definitive roots in the Cluny reform movement born out of this monastery.
Date added: 08.28.05
Region: Western Europe, France
Category: Religion
Contributor(s): Natalie Kohout
Source information: Craig, Albert M., William A. Graham, Donald Kagen, Steven Ozment, and Frank M. Turner. The Heritage of World Civilizations Volume One: To 1650. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2000. 341.


Edward the Elder of England Dies
Date: 924 A.D.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics


Athelstan's Reign Begins
Date: 924 A.D.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics


Athelstan Takes York from the Danes
Date: 927 A.D.
This victory established power in the north of England. After Athelstan's death, gains in the north would soon be lost.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Military, Politics


Battle of Brunanburh
Date: 937 A.D.
With this battle, King Athelstan and his brother Edmund, leading a combined army from Wessex and Mercia, were able to defeat an invading force of Norse Vikings from Ireland.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Military, Politics
Source information: Hollister, Warren C., Stacey, Robert C., and Stacey, Robin Chapman. The Making of England to 1399. Eighth edition. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001. 84.


Athelstan of England Dies
Date: 939 A.D.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics


Reign of Edmund I of England Begins
Date: 939 A.D.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics


Edmund I of England Dies
Date: 946 A.D.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics


Edred of England's Reign Begins
Date: 946 A.D.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics


Edred of England's Reign Ends
Date: 955 A.D.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics


Edwy of England's Reign Begins
Date: 955 A.D.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics


Magyars Defeated at the Battle of the Lechfeld
Date: 955 A.D.
King Otto the Great's crushing defeat of the Magyars at the battle of Lechfeld brought an end to their raids into the west. Within the next fifty years the Magyars had established their own kingdom and adopted Christianity.
Date added: 08.28.05
Region: Eastern Europe
Category: Military
Contributor(s): Natalie Kohout
Source information: Hollister, C. Warren and Judith M. Bennett. Medieval History: A Short History. 9th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2002. 130.


Edwy of England Dies
Date: 959 A.D.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics


Edgar of England's Reign Begins
Date: 959 A.D.
Edgar was the brother of Edwy and succeeded his brother after Edwy's death. Edgar is sometimes known as "the Peaceable."
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics
Source information: Hollister, Warren C., Stacey, Robert C., and Stacey, Robin Chapman. The Making of England to 1399. Eighth edition. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001. 86.


Edgar Recognized as Supreme
Date: 973 A.D.
In this year Edgar was acknowledged as supreme ruler on the island of Britain. At Chester, he received the submission of various Welsh and Scottish kings.
Date added: 03.19.06
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics, Society
Source information: Hollister, Warren C., Stacey, Robert C., and Stacey, Robin Chapman. The Making of England to 1399. Eighth edition. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001. 86.


Edgar of England Dies
Date: July 8th, 975 A.D.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics


Edward the Martyr of England's Reign Begins
Date: July 8th, 975 A.D.
Edward the Martyr is known as such because of his murder by his younger brother's supporters.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics


Edward the Martyr of England Dies
Date: 979 A.D.
Edward the Martyr is known as such because of his murder by his younger brother's supporters.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics


Ethelred II of England's First Reign Begins
Date: 979 A.D.
Ethelred II is also called Ethelred the Unready.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, British Isles, England
Category: Politics

