Medieval Timeline - Browse by Region

Southern Europe (14 entries)

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Battle of Frigidius
Date: 405 A.D.
Radagaesus recruited an army of reportedly 400,000 Germans and planned an invasion of Italy. Stilocho managed to scratch together a force of thirty Western Roman units amounting to only about 20,000 men.

Rather than taking a defensive stance, the Roman Commander instead actually crossed the Danube, and with a swift march, fell upon the German rear and utterly destroyed them.
Date added: 12.08.04
Region: Western Europe, Southern Europe, Germany, Italy
Category: Military
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


The Vandals Sack Rome
Date: 455 A.D.
The Vandals, under Genseric, sack Rome.
Date added: 11.28.04
Region: Western Europe, Western Roman Empire, Southern Europe, Italy
Category: Military, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Founding of Mount Cassino and the Bendictine Order
Date: 529 A.D.
Benedict of Nursia founds the Benedictine monastic order at Monte Cassino, south of Rome.
Date added: 11.30.04
Region: Western Europe, Southern Europe, Italy
Category: Religion
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Moors Conquer Spain
Date: July 7th, 711 A.D.
The Moorish chief Tariq lands in Spain with a small Muslim army at the invitation of the rebel governor of Ceuta. The place where he landed would later become known as Jebel el-Tariq, ('the mountain of Tariq' or later 'Gibraltar'). The Arabs and their Moorish allies quickly defeated Roderick, the last Visigoth king of Spain at the battles of Guadelete and Ecija, and before the end of the year the Visigoth capital, Toledo, would fall without resistance. Within two years all except the northern mountainous regions of Spain would come under Muslim control.
Date added: 05.07.05
Region: Western Europe, Southern Europe, Iberian Peninsula, Spain
Category: Politics, Military, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Capture of Barcelona
Date: 801 A.D.
After a two-year siege the Franks capture Barcelona from the Moors.
Date added: 01.06.05
Region: Western Europe, Southern Europe, Iberian Peninsula, Spain
Category: Military
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Abbadid Dynasty Begins
Date: c. 1023 A.D.
An Islamic dynasty that arose in Spain after the fall of the western caliphate.
Date added: 07.08.05
Region: Western Europe, Southern Europe, Iberian Peninsula, Spain
Category: Politics, Society, Religion
Source information: The Encyclopædia Britannica. A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information, Eleventh Edition. Volume I. New York: The Encyclopædia Britannica Company, 1910. 8-9.


Abbad I Dies
Date: 1042 A.D.
Abd-ul-Qasim (Abbad I), founder of the Abbadid dynasty in Spain dies. He is succeeded by Abbad II.
Date added: 07.08.05
Region: Western Europe, Southern Europe, Iberian Peninsula, Spain
Category: Politics
Source information: The Encyclopædia Britannica. A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information, Eleventh Edition. Volume I. New York: The Encyclopædia Britannica Company, 1910. 8-9.


Abbad II Dies
Date: February 28th, 1069 A.D.
Following Abbad I's death, his son Mahommed Abd-ul-Qasim Abenebet (Abbad III) took over as leader of the Abbadides in Spain. He was the last of the Abbadids.
Date added: 07.08.05
Region: Western Europe, Southern Europe, Iberian Peninsula, Spain
Category: Politics
Source information: The Encyclopædia Britannica. A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information, Eleventh Edition. Volume I. New York: The Encyclopædia Britannica Company, 1910. 8-9.


Alfonso VI of Castile Takes Toledo
Date: 1085 A.D.
Alfonso VI of Castile takes Toledo from the Abbadides.
Date added: 07.08.05
Region: Western Europe, Southern Europe, Iberian Peninsula, Spain
Category: Military, Politics, Religion
Source information: The Encyclopædia Britannica. A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information, Eleventh Edition. Volume I. New York: The Encyclopædia Britannica Company, 1910. 8-9.


Abbad III is Deposed
Date: 1091 A.D.
Abbad III is deposed by the Almoravides, ending the Abbadid dynasty.
Date added: 07.08.05
Region: Western Europe, Southern Europe, Iberian Peninsula, Spain
Category: Politics
Source information: The Encyclopædia Britannica. A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information, Eleventh Edition. Volume I. New York: The Encyclopædia Britannica Company, 1910. 8-9.


The Beginning of the Fourth Crusade
Date: 1202 A.D.
The Fourth Crusade begins in Venice.
Date added: 05.05.05
Region: Southern Europe, Italy
Category: Religion, Military, Politics
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Reign of Ferdinand III
Date: September 3rd, 1230 A.D.
King Alfonso IX of León (in modern day Spain) dies and is succeeded by his son, King Ferdinand III, of Castile.

Alfonso's wife and Ferdinand's mother Berengeria had been the daughter and heiress to the King of Castile (Alfonso III). On her father's death in 1217, there was so much opposition to the King of Leon gaining control over Castile that she renounced (not without some civil strife) her claim to the throne in favour of her eighteen year old son.

Thus when Ferdinand succeeded his father to the throne of Leon, the two Spanish Kingdoms would finally be united under a common monarch. Ferdinand's campaigns against the Saracens would recover much territory from the Arabs. He would capture Cordova in 1236 and Seville in 1248 and ultimately just Granada and Alicante would remain under Islamic control at the time of his death in 1252. With each expansion into Saracen territory Ferdinand would found Christian bishoprics and arrange for the building of numerous churches, monasteries and hospitals. The University of Saville was also established during his reign. Many miracles would later be ascribed to Ferdinand, and these would result in his name being canonized by Pope Clement X in 1671.
Date added: 05.03.05
Region: Western Europe, Southern Europe, Iberian Peninsula, Spain
Category: Politics, Military
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Pietro D. Abano is Born
Date: 1250 A.D.
An Italian physician and philosopher who was brought to trial by the Inquisition twice.
Date added: 07.08.05
Region: Western Europe, Southern Europe, Italy
Category: Society, Religion
Source information: The Encyclopædia Britannica. A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information, Eleventh Edition. Volume I. New York: The Encyclopædia Britannica Company, 1910. 7.


Pietro D. Abano Dies
Date: 1316 A.D.
An Italian physician and philosopher who died before the completion of his second trial with the Inquisition.
Date added: 07.08.05
Region: Western Europe, Southern Europe, Italy
Category: Society, Religion
Source information: The Encyclopædia Britannica. A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information, Eleventh Edition. Volume I. New York: The Encyclopædia Britannica Company, 1910. 7.

