Medieval Timeline - Browse by Region

Western Roman Empire (7 entries)

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Invasion of Roman Empire
Date: December 31st, 406 A.D.
The River Rhine in Central Europe freezes over, allowing hordes of Vandals, Alans, and Scieri to invade the Roman Empire, ultimately leading to its collapse.
Date added: 04.01.07
Region: Western Europe, Western Roman Empire
Category: Military
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Romans Leave Britain
Date: 410 A.D.
The Roman legions are withdrawn from Britain after Alaric, king of the Goths, sacks Rome.
Date added: 11.26.04
Region: Western Europe, Western Roman Empire, British Isles, England
Category: Military, Politics, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Possible Return of Roman Troops to Britain
Date: 417 A.D.
It is likely that Roman troops returned briefly to Britain around this year.
Date added: 11.26.04
Region: Western Europe, Western Roman Empire, British Isles, England
Category: Military, Politics, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Battle of Campus Mauriacus
Date: 451 A.D.
Having lost control of much of North Africa to the Vandals the Romans were required to utilize a large number of Barbarian allies in this battle against Attila's Huns.

The allied force drew up for battle with Aetius' Romans on the left flank; A large force of Visigoths on the right; and a mixed force of Franks, Alans, Sarmations, Saxons and Burgundians holding the center. A band of Armorican Britons (who it seems had become an independent kingdom) added additional reinforcement.

The center held a small hill from which they successfully repulsed the initial Hunnic attacks. The Visigoths counter-attacked and broke the opposing wing forcing Attila to break off the battle at nightfall and order a general retreat. The allies did not follow up on this victory.
Date added: 12.09.04
Region: Western Europe, Western Roman Empire
Category: Military
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


The Vandals Sack Rome
Date: 455 A.D.
The Vandals, under Genseric, sack Rome.
Date added: 11.28.04
Region: Western Europe, Western Roman Empire, Southern Europe, Italy
Category: Military, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter


Fall of the Western Roman Empire
Date: 476 A.D.
During this year, the Western half of the Roman Empire collapsed after the fall of Rome to the Germanic tribes. The Eastern half of the Empire, (centered in Constantinople and called Byzantium at this point) would live on until 1453.
Date added: 09.30.04
Region: Western Europe, Western Roman Empire
Category: Military, Politics, Society


Last Roman Emperor in the West
Date: 476 A.D.
Romulus Augustus (also derogatively referred to as Romulus Augustulus), was the last Roman Emperor in the Western empire. He was deposed by the German King Odoacer.
Date added: 11.28.04
Region: Western Europe, Western Roman Empire
Category: Politics, Society
Contributor(s): Alan Chanter

